VENuS ISD Additions

Venus Independent School District



In Venus Elementary School, the newly completed renovation features an expanded library that brings in natural light and supports new media center technology. Brightly colored reading cubes punch through the exterior wall to form cozy individual spaces with views outside. The open ceiling exposes structural and mechanical elements, revealing some of the building's inner workings, making even the building itself part of the learning environment.

At Venus Primary School, two wings were added for additional classrooms. Venus Middle School addition is connected by a secure, enclosed hallway to the existing middle school building. In addition, the middle school features a new gymnasium with a stage for drama instruction and performance, a new band hall, athletic locker rooms, and a weight room. The football stadium boasts a new field house designed to serve Venus ISD’s women’s athletic programs and doubles as a storm shelter.



Size: 100,000 SF

Budget: $30,000,000

Completion Date: September 2018

Location: Venus, Texas



Venus Independent School District



Pogue Construction



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